Submit Abstract

Abstract submissions will be handled by an external website, EasyChair. You will be required to create an account on the EasyChair system if you do not already have one.

Click below to start the submission process.

Submit Abstract


If you wish to submit a proposal for a workshop, please use the Contact Us page on this site.


Abstract Information

The Committee invites you to submit an abstract for presentation as an oral paper or poster at the 10th International Flora Malesiana Symposium. The deadline to submit an abstract is the 1st April 2016. All abstracts regarding the flora of the region will be considered, especially: Classification, Cultivation, Conservation, Systematics, Sustainable Development, Ecology, Biogeography, Evolutionary Biology, e-Taxonomy, Education.

If you have any queries, please contact the Conference organisers.

Presentation Format

We are seeking abstracts for presentation as Oral Papers and Posters. While you will be asked to indicate your preferred presentation format (presentation or poster) when submitting your abstract, the programme committee may request an alternative format be considered depending on the overall balance of the programme.

Oral Papers

It is anticipated that oral papers will be allocated 15 minutes for presentation, plus 5 minutes for questions.


Posters will be displayed for the duration of the Conference. Each poster will be allocated an AO panel (841 mm x 1189 mm) and the poster must fit within this area. On Tuesday the 12th July 17.00-18.00 there will be a poster session at which you will be invited to stand next to your poster.

Review Process

All abstracts will undergo a peer review process by the programme committee. The programme committee will allocate abstracts to the programme taking into account the quality of each abstract and the balance of the program. Presenters will be notified by email to confirm acceptance and format of their presentation by 1 May 2016.

Submission Procedure

Your abstract should be prepared using the on-line presentation portal. To be considered for presentation your abstract must include:


A descriptive presentation title of up to fifteen words; please only capitalise the first word and proper nouns in your title.


The names, organisations, country and email addresses (optional) for each author. Indicate the presenting author in bold.


An abstract of 250 words that provides sufficient details to assess the content of your proposed presentation.

Potential Media Story

Please indicate if you think the research you are presenting would make a good media story and that you would be willing to be interviewed by journalists.

Subject Theme Area

Please indicate the preferred theme for programming purposes.

  • Classification
  • Cultivation
  • Conservation
  • Systematics
  • Sustainable Development
  • Ecology
  • Biogeography
  • Evolutionary Biology
  • e-Taxonomy
  • Education
  • Other

Audio-visual Equipment

The lecture rooms will be equipped for the presentation of PowerPoint slides and will include a data projector, computer (with external speakers), lectern and microphone.

Multimedia clips should be embedded in your slides. Other audio-visual aids, such as Overhead Projectors, will not be available.

Presenters will need to take their PowerPoint slides and associated media files to the conference on a memory stick, where an audio-visual technician will load your presentation.

All slides will be run from a central presentation computer. However, if you have a complex presentation, which includes multiple media files, we suggest you bring your own laptop as a backup in case of difficulties loading your presentation.

Presenters Registration

All presenters will be required to register for the conference and pay the appropriate registration fee. Presenters also need to meet their own travel and accommodation costs.

Symposium Proceedings

Proceedings will be produced from the symposium. Those wishing to have papers considered for inclusion in the proceedings will have to submitt their papers to the editorial committee no later than 1 December 2016. All papers submitted will be peer reviewed.